Speaker Experience:
- Indie Devs Stockholm Meetup (Mini talk 2025)
- Evolution Game Leaders’ Summit (Game Design Panel 2024)
- Swedish Game Awards (Award Show Co-Host 2024)
- Indie Devs Stockholm Meetup (Talk 2024)
- Goobye Kansas guest speaker (Digital Talk 2024)
- Sweden Game Conference (Stage Host, 2 days, 2023)
- Swedish Game Awards (Award Show Co-Host 2023)
- Sweden Game Conference (Stage Host, 2 days, 2022)
- Friday Stories, The Great Journey (Digital Talk 2022)
- The Thing (Roundtable 2022)
- Wermland Pride (Talk 2022)
- Helsinki Pride Gamejam (Keynote 2022)
- Swedish Game Awards (Award Show Co-Host 2022)
- Nordic Game Awards (Jury Verdict 2022)
- Aspiring Women* in Games Scholarship @ GDC (Digital Panel 2022)
- Swedish Game Awards (Award Show Co-Host 2021)
- Sweden Game Conference (Stage Host, 2 days, 2021)
- Aspiring Women* in Games Scholarship @ GDC (Digital Panel 2021)
- GIG2020 wrap up (Panel 2021)
- Story Time (Digital Talk 2020)
- Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4 (Digital Panel 2020)
- Sweden Game Conference (Stage Host, 2 days, 2020)
- Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2 (Digital Talk 2020)
- The Thing (Roundtable 2020)
- Games Gathering Conference, Kiev (Talk 2019)
- Swedish Game Awards (Award Show Co-Host 2019)
- Sweden Game Conference (Talk 2019)
- Queercon @ Pride Stockholm (Talk 2019)
- Nördkollo (Talk & Workshop 2019)
- Equal Play, East Sweden Games (Talk 2019)
- Sweden Game Conference (Talk & Panel 2018)
- EuroPride w/ Sverok & DICE (Panel 2018)
- GDC (Advocacy Microtalk 2018)
- Swedish Game Awards Meetup (Talk 2018)
- Nordic Game Conference (Talk 2018)
- Dataspelsbranschen Arbetsmarknadsdag (Panel 2018)
- Female Legends charity stream (Panel 2018)
- WIG Stockholm (Talk 2018)
- Sweden Game Conference (Talk, Panel, Mentor 2017)
- Intro to the Games Industry (Talk, Panel, Mentor 2017)
- Galway Games Gathering (Talk 2017)
- Creative Coast (Talk 2017)
- BaeCon (Panels 2017)
- Swedish Game Awards (Talk 2016)
- Castle Game Jam (Talk 2016)
- Nördkollo (Talk & Workshop 2016)
- Regnsbågsveckan (Panel 2016)
- Swedish Game Awards (Talk & Award Show Host 2015)
- Nordic Game Conference (Talk & Wrap-Up Session 2015)
- Teklafestivalen (Talk & SVT Interview 2015)
- Game QA & Localisation (Roundtable 2015)
- Sweden Game Conference (Workshop 2015)
- Game QA & Localisation (Talk 2013)
Teaching Experience:
- FutureGames (Prototyping Lecture 2024)
- FutureGames (UI/UX design 2023)
- Changemaker Educations (Game Project Jury 2024)
- FutureGames (Degree Project Mentor 2023)
- FutureGames (Narrative Lecture 2023)
- FutureGames (Another Prototyping Lecture 2023)
- FutureGames (Prototyping Lecture 2023)
- FutureGames (Juiciness Lecture 2023)
- FutureGames (Unity Development/Level Design Mentor 2023)
- FutureGames (Unity UI Lecture 2022)
- FutureGames (Unity Development Mentor 2022)
- FutureGames (Degree Project Mentor 2022)
- FutureGames (Game Project Mentor 2022)
- FutureGames (Game Project Half-Way Feedback 2022)
- Beckmans Designhögskola (2 day Unity Course + Mentoring 2022)
- FutureGames (Portfolio Review 2022)
- Ädelfors Folkhögskola (Digital Lecture 2021)
- Beckmans Designhögskola (3 day Unity Course + Mentoring 2021)
- Hyper Island (Digital Lecture 2021)
- Beckmans Designhögskola (Digital Lecture 2020)
- Namdals Folkehøgskole (Studio Visit 2020)
- NTI-gymnasiet (Lecture 2020)
- East Sweden Games (Studio Visit 2019)
- Ädelfors Folkhögskola (Digital Lecture 2019)
- Stockholm University (Lecture 2019)
- Forsbergs School (1 Day Course 2019)
- Changemaker Educations (2 day Narrative Workshop 2018)
- FutureGames (UI course 2018)
- Changemaker Educations (Game Project Jury 2018)
- Skövde University (Game Project Feedback Panel 2017)
- Changemaker Educations (2 Day Indie Game Development Course 2017)
- FutureGames (Head Teacher of Game Design 2016-2017)
- Forsbergs School (Game Project & Portfolio Feedback 2016)
- Forsbergs School (Lecture 2016)
- Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Lecture 2016)
- Stockholm University (Lecture 2016)
- Skövde University (Workshop 2015)
- FutureGames (Game Project Jury 2013)
Pitch events:
- Sweden Game Pitch (2021)
- The PC Indie Pitch, GDC (2019)
- Sting Demo Day (2019)
- Nordic Game Discovery Contest, SGC (2018)
- The Big Indie Pitch, SGC (2018)
- Propel Capital pitch event (2018)
- Sweden Demo Day (2017)
- Dragon’s Den, Invest in Games (2017)
- STING Test Drive Wrap-Up (2016)
Podcasts & Radio:
- House of Games (2024)
- Evolution Nordics (2023)
- Spelskaparna (2020)
- P4 Stockholm (2020)
- Meet Swedish Startups (2019)
- Trekraften (2017)
- P4 Blekinge (2016)
- Den Fjärde Väggen (2015)
- Event Organizer, Link In Bar (2014-)
- Jury, Nordic Game Awards (2022)
- Jury, Swedish Game Awards (2021)
- Event Co-Host, LadyCADE, Creative Coast (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
- Mentor, IGDA Mentor Café, Nordic Game Conference (2017)
- Game Competition Judge, Birdie (2017)
- Toastmaster at numerous dinner events
- Mentor to the Board of DISK Student Union, including workshops (2012-2020)